Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Slowing Down

The first thing on my retirement list is "Slow Down." It's been 1 month and 2 days since I retired and I am beginning to acclimatize myself to this new lifestyle, with slowing down being my number one priority.  I was so used to having daily stress in my life; either self-imposed or mandated by the nature of my work that it was second nature.  I now find myself with no deadlines or time constraints and it's revolutionary. Not only has my body become more relaxed, but my thoughts have slowed down and I am experiencing a wonderful peace of mind.

The second thing on my list is "Walk." Opening up my senses by getting outside in the elements is something I have always enjoyed, but rarely made time for while working. Though we have a treadmill (aka clothes rack) in our basement, when I have used it in the past, it has been like torture. Nothing more boring in the world, even if listening to music or watching TV.

Walking through my neighborhood looking at others houses and yards, gardens, trees, and parks is far more interesting. Venturing outside my neighborhood and walking with my BFF is another great luxury we are able to do. What fun it is to have her company as we discover new places.  As we work on our endurance and are able to go greater distances, we will start exploring parks and gardens throughout our region and discover all the glories the Willamette Valley has to offer.

I have included a few pictures from some of my recent walks for your viewing pleasure and hope to create additional blogs of my future adventures.

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