I'm not going to say this was the simplest ice cream I've ever made, because it wasn't. The vanilla ice milk I make for The Husband would fit into that category as it involves no cooking whatsoever. But this...... it was worth every one of the bowls, pans, and measuring cups I had to use to make it. I'm not trying to dissuade you from trying it dear readers. Just know that if you do, you must start it the day before you want to serve it as the custard base must chill overnight to be most effective. So go dust your ice cream freezer off from the top shelf, stick it in the freezer overnight and make the custard and put it in the fridge until tomorrow. Then throw it in the ice cream maker and in 20-30 minutes you will be licking the dasher like a five year old as I was and enjoying every minute of it!
Chocolate Ice Cream
Adapted from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz